lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

The white diamond

Aquest blog começa avui amb l'objectiu de convertir-se en una plataforma de discussió sobre el cinema documental de tots els temps. De tant en tant, aniré postejant articles sobre la matèria, proposant algunes pel·lícules i demanant suggeriments (és un blog més interessat que interessant, però espero proposar alguna cosa que us agradi).
This blog starts today. It has the aim to be a discussion platform about documentary film; not just new ones but documentaries of all times. From time to time I will be posting articles about documentary, proposing films and always asking for suggestions. I hope you enjoy it and you can all show me one of those white diamonds that I'm always looking forward to watching.

Wener Herzog in The White Diamond


With this and with everything else he's done, Werner Herzog has come to be one of the only well-known documentary fim-makers in the world. His films attracted me from the fist time I put an eye on them, not just because of their beauty and the deepness of his own narrating voice but mostly because of their amazing topics and unbelievable argumental twists.

The white diamond follows this same weirdness principle, telling the story of Graham Dorrington, an aeronautical engineer who wants to fly over the forest canopies of Guyana with a self-made ariship. This could be interesting enough to follow a film, but the story acquires its usual dramatic climax as we discover that Dieter Plage, the German cinematographer, died in Dorrington's last prototype test, ten years ago. Then the film is just amazing; combined with the extreme beauty of a reflexive camera recording unbelievable landscapes results in a Peace of Art, another Herzog film. In my opinion, highly recommendable. Hope you enjoy it too!

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